Handwriting For Schools
Handwriting Helpline For Teachers
Email for a phone appointment cathy@dyspraxiahelp.org.uk
Handwriting Training For Schools
Handwriting is a really complex but important life skill which children struggle to master for a multitude of reasons. Poor handwriting causes a huge amount of distress to children and is often the reason why many fail to reach their true potential. It’s critical teaching staff know how to correctly prepare children for handwriting inorder to prevent later problems and then how to trouble shoot if problems do arise.
Handwriting difficulties are a major red flag for underlying dyspraxia also called Developmental Co-ordination Disorder. As a charity we receive a huge number of helpline calls around handwriting and so to address this we have undergone training and invested considerable time, money and energy in learning all we can to help children who struggle with handwriting. We now have 15 years experience and have developed our Jimbofun and other resources to help.