How We Help

“Living with dyspraxia is hard but living in a world that doesn’t understand it is harder”

Why do we help?

Cathy set up Dyspraxia Help in 2013 with the aim of preventing other children going through the unnecessary suffering her daughter went through growing up with dyspraxia.

Dyspraxia Education recognises that parents, carers, teachers and other professionals caring for these children desperately want to support them but they often face several problems:

  • By it’s very nature dyspraxia or DCD is a “hidden” condition which is difficult to appreciate without training. Lack of training and support for teachers, local authorities and other key professionals means these children slip through the net and their difficulties are left  unaddressed.
  • The universal lack of awareness of dyspraxia (1) coupled with this hidden nature, frequently results in the misunderstanding or lack of appreciation of their struggles, easily afforded to others with more obvious disabilities. This makes gaining the right support and help doubly difficult.
  • Nationally there is considerable confusion, even amongst professionals themselves, as to the pathways to diagnosis and professional intervention.
  • There are too few professionals dealing with excessively long waiting lists and tight budgets resulting in these children waiting unacceptably long times to receive professional help. Many being turned away as “not severe enough”.
  • Dyspraxia rarely comes alone. It usually co-occurs with other conditions. Consequently, children end up seeing multiple professionals and it’s only parents or carers who have the whole picture.

How do we help?

With 20 years experience, Dyspraxia Help places the child at the heart of everything we do.

Below are just some of the ways we help:

  1. Our helpline offers a listening ear, information, specialist advice and signposting.
  2. We offer a variety of training for parents, carers , teachers and all professionals. All encouraging self help.
  3. Some families may need more long term support or may return to us if they are experiencing difficulties.
  4. For local children we will sometimes go into schools to observe and offer advice.
  5. We meet with parents/carers and support them at challenging times either via zoom or face to face.
  6. Guide both families and professionals through complex health and educational systems.
  7. Be the child or young person’s advocate in difficult meetings, placing the child at the centre and promoting a cohesive team approach.
  8. Raise awareness through training, public speaking, exhibiting, and media.
  9. Sell Jimbofun, a wonderful motorskill programme which allows parents and schools to help with handwriting difficulties and other motor skill issues in a fun way.


Hereford Outreach Project

We have also been working on a project which involved reaching out to schools and families in Herefordshire. You can find out more about the project here.

